Paul’s Place (formerly St. Paul’s Social Services) has been providing food and assistance to our vulnerable neighbours for over forty years. A ministry that began with a simple and small pantry has grown to a five-day-a-weel operation. Hundreds of needy people come through our doors each week. When they come to Paul’s Place they are not just looking for food. Each person that crossing our threshold is seeking care, concern, and the radical hospitality of Jesus. The Board, along with the staff of our Food Bank and our Fellowship Centre seek to respect the dignity of every guest we meet. We can only do so because of the faithful and dedicated service of our volunteers and the generosity of our donors.
In Leviticus 23 we read instruction from God to the people on keeping festivals and observances. Importantly the writer of this book wants the people to understand the importance of welcoming the poor, the vulnerable, the stranger. “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you shall leave them for the poor and for the foreigner: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 23:22). This instruction is a testimony that thanksgiving to the Lord can frequently be best demonstrated by acts of kindness for the underprivileged. Ceremony alone will not do. Giving thanks to God can and should be shown in the way the harvest is gathered. This remains true today. Each volunteer, financial supporter, farmer, business or individual who makes it a priority to support the work of Paul’s Place is honouring the spirit of these instructions in Leviticus.
The relaunch and the accompanying strategic planning comes at a crucial time. The number of poor and vulnerable in our city has skyrocketed in the past few years. We see that reflected in the numbers we are seeing in Foodbank and at the Fellowship Centre. Simply put: the need is overwhelming. The Board of Paul’s Place will be focused on key priorities, that will help us grow to meet the needs of the community not just for today, but for years to come. We are thankful. Giving thanks is not enough. In this plan we are recommitting ourselves to remove barriers to care, open wide the doors to our pantry, and expand our fellowship table to make room for more of our sisters, our brothers, our siblings to “Come, Take, Eat!”
We are recommitting ourselves to show “hospitality to strangers, knowing that in so doing, we might entertain angels" (Hebrews 13:2). We pray you might find ways to engage with us. If you care enough to visit this page and read it, you likely are seeking ways to make your offering. Please prayerfully consider how you can best serve Paul’s Place. We would love to hear from you.